Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Immune System

The immune system is the body's collective physical and chemical defenses against foreign organisms and pathogens. (page 318 from Health textbook). 

Many things can alter the immune system, for better or worse. I will be talking about the effects of alcohol on the immune system. 

Obviously, drinking alcohol is not something that aides the body to be healthy, it actually makes it worse. 

"Chronic use of alcohol can lead to liver cirrhosis and a compromised liver function. This, in turn, can reduce the absorption of nutrients and their delivery to target cells.

Compromised liver function can also inhibit detoxification of carcinogenic compounds that are ingested. The effect of alcohol on nutritional status and liver function may also suppress immune function" (Thomas)

"Alcohol can directly suppress various immune
responses, and clinical studies have found alcohol abuse to
be associated with an increased incidence of a number of
infectious diseases" (Romeo)

Drinking too much can lead to serious cancers, shown in the picture above. 
If you do want to drink alcohol, remember to only do so in moderation! :)

Works Cited:

Romeo, Javier, Julia Wärnberg, Esther Nova, Ligia E. Díaz, Sonia Gómez-Martinez, and Ascensión Marcos. "Moderate Alcohol Consumption and the Immune System: A Review." British Journal of Nutrition 98.S1 (2007): n. pag. Print.
Thomas, David B. "Alcohol as a Cause of Cancer." Environmental Health Perspectives 103.8 (1995): 153+. JSTOR. Web. 28 July 2013. <>.

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