Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Challenge of Aging

A will is a legal instrument expressing a person's intentions and wishes for the disposition of his or her property after death.

I personally do not have will, since I am 20 years old and do not legally own anything. But when I am older, I definitely will have one. Wills are extremely important. Wills insure the testator (person who makes the will) that their properties and belongings will be given to those that they wanted so. 

Free forms for creating a will are available to residents of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. 

Since every resident in the United States has access to creating a will for free, there is multiple websites to easily access. I will be listing them below:

I would like to add that a living will is a legal document that a person uses to make known his or her wishes regarding life prolonging medical treatments.

These are also extremely important, because they can stop someone from plugging your plug! (Or the other way around. Whatever you want them to do to you, when your in a critical state). 

I hope this makes you want to get a will today! :) 
Remember, life is short and might as well protect yourself and your loved ones.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Environmental Health


Garbage Island is a is a gyre of marine debris in the central North Pacific Ocean.

It's said to be twice the size of Texas and full of debris. The main debris is plastic! This is really bad, since plastic is not biodegradable. The plastics (and other debris) are polluting the oceans and harming innocent animals. 

Trash pilled so high, it's sitting on the ocean! 

The picture above, is quite disturbing  I put it up so people can see the negative consequences of properer disposal of waste. 

"It is estimated that 80% of the plastic in the ocean comes from land sources while 20% comes from ships at sea"

"Because the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is so far from any country’s coastline, no nation will take responsibility or provide the funding to clean it up. Many international organizations, however, are dedicated to preventing the patch from growing any further."

The reason why I picked Garbage Island out of all the videos is because it seemed the most shocking to me. 

How to help!:

Sources Used:

Anti-Cancer a New Way of Life Movie Advertisement

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Local Health Services Ad

Everyone knows that health care is hard to obtain these days, and even if you do have it, it can still be extremely expensive. I decided to make a local ad to help those who are either don't have health care or can't afford it. 

Here's their website for more information:

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Immune System

The immune system is the body's collective physical and chemical defenses against foreign organisms and pathogens. (page 318 from Health textbook). 

Many things can alter the immune system, for better or worse. I will be talking about the effects of alcohol on the immune system. 

Obviously, drinking alcohol is not something that aides the body to be healthy, it actually makes it worse. 

"Chronic use of alcohol can lead to liver cirrhosis and a compromised liver function. This, in turn, can reduce the absorption of nutrients and their delivery to target cells.

Compromised liver function can also inhibit detoxification of carcinogenic compounds that are ingested. The effect of alcohol on nutritional status and liver function may also suppress immune function" (Thomas)

"Alcohol can directly suppress various immune
responses, and clinical studies have found alcohol abuse to
be associated with an increased incidence of a number of
infectious diseases" (Romeo)

Drinking too much can lead to serious cancers, shown in the picture above. 
If you do want to drink alcohol, remember to only do so in moderation! :)

Works Cited:

Romeo, Javier, Julia Wärnberg, Esther Nova, Ligia E. Díaz, Sonia Gómez-Martinez, and Ascensión Marcos. "Moderate Alcohol Consumption and the Immune System: A Review." British Journal of Nutrition 98.S1 (2007): n. pag. Print.
Thomas, David B. "Alcohol as a Cause of Cancer." Environmental Health Perspectives 103.8 (1995): 153+. JSTOR. Web. 28 July 2013. <>.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Science of Sex Appeal

Today, I watched "The Science of Sex Appeal". I found it extremely fascinating and will share some key points/facts. 

Symmetry: The more symmetric a face is, the more attractive. 

The picture above me, is actually the same person. The left was altered to be more symmetric, and the right was made to be less symmetric. 80% of people thought the left half was more attractive. Do you agree??

Scent: It has be proven that women will always find their dad or brother's body odor unsexy/unattractive.

The picture above me is showing a group of women rating 10 different men's body odor from a scale of 1 (being unsexy) to 10 (being sexiest). The women did not know that they smelt either their dad's or brother's body odor. All of them rated their family members' scent unattractive. Interesting, yeah? 

Women are Choosier: This one seems obvious. A man can go have as many one night stands, without any consequences. While a women can have a single one night stand, and become pregnant for 9 months, and then have to raise the child(ren) for the rest of their live. That's a huge difference. 

Shapely Figures: Many women feel like the majority of men mainly rate a women on how attractive she is on her breasts. However, this study shows otherwise. Men really focus on the waist

Here's the link to watch the videos!: 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Digital Communication Advertisement

I was supposed to pick one advertisement for digital communication, either good or bad. I decided to make one for both. I believe almost everything in this world has a balance of good and bad. 

The Good:

The Bad: